International Journal of Cross-Industry Multicultural Leadership (IJCIML)Open Access Journal

International Journal of Cross-Industry Multicultural Leadership (IJCIML)

Mehdi Khosrow-Pour (Information Resources Management Association, USA)
Published: Continuous Volume |Established: 2021 |Volumes: 2
ISSN: 2691-9354|EISSN: 2691-9362|DOI: 10.4018/IJCIML
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Khosrow-Pour, Mehdi. "International Journal of Cross-Industry Multicultural Leadership (IJCIML)." (2021). Web. 19 Apr. 2024. doi:10.4018/IJCIML


Khosrow-Pour, M. (2021). International Journal of Cross-Industry Multicultural Leadership (IJCIML). doi:10.4018/IJCIML


Khosrow-Pour, Mehdi. "International Journal of Cross-Industry Multicultural Leadership (IJCIML)," (2021), accessed (April 19, 2024), doi:10.4018/IJCIML

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The International Journal of Cross-Industry Multicultural Leadership (IJCIML) is an interdisciplinary scholarly journal focusing on the constructs and implications of leadership from a multicultural and cross-industry perspective. IJCIML will publish articles with a primary emphasis on the lived experiences of leaders in a diverse multicultural environment. It discusses the challenges and successes in multicultural leadership, with a primary emphasis on ethics, mentoring opportunities, structural impediments, institutional racism and misogynism, language and cultural dissonance, ethnocentric paternalism, peer acknowledgement and acceptance, and strategies and barriers to success as viewed from the lens of multicultural leaders in all industries and disciplines.

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Volume years with an asterisk (*) after them are indicative of the continuous volume publication frequency conversion. Journals that have shifted to the continuous volume frequency are no longer publishing a set number of issues. All regular articles are published together, and special issue articles are separated into their own categories for organizational purposes.
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