International Journal of Pharmaceutical Engineering and Drug Design (IJPEDD)Open Access Journal

International Journal of Pharmaceutical Engineering and Drug Design (IJPEDD)

Robert Penchovsky (Cologne University, Germany & Sofia University, Bulgaria)
Published: Semi-Annually |Established: 2016 |Volume: 1
ISSN: 2380-4513|EISSN: 2380-4521|DOI: 10.4018/IJPEDD
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Penchovsky, Robert. "International Journal of Pharmaceutical Engineering and Drug Design (IJPEDD)." (2016). Web. 20 Apr. 2024. doi:10.4018/IJPEDD


Penchovsky, R. (2016). International Journal of Pharmaceutical Engineering and Drug Design (IJPEDD). doi:10.4018/IJPEDD


Penchovsky, Robert. "International Journal of Pharmaceutical Engineering and Drug Design (IJPEDD)," (2016), accessed (April 20, 2024), doi:10.4018/IJPEDD

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The International Journal of Pharmaceutical Engineering and Drug Design (IJPEDD) publishes emerging research on topics relevant to the pharmaceutical industry. IJPEDD is an essential reference source highlighting double-blind peer-reviewed articles on diverse topics relating to the development, testing, and manufacturing of pharmaceutical products and devices. Pharmacists, engineers, academicians, graduate students, researchers, and business executives in the pharmaceutical industry will find the articles presented in IJPEDD ideally designed to fulfill their research needs.

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